Clearwater Beach Chalk Walk 2014

Chalk Walk 2014 at Clearwater Beach

Clearwater Beach Chalk WalkThe October 2014 Chalk Walk took up much more space on the Beach Walk at Clearwater Beach than last year. Many return visitors expressed pleasant surprise at the expanded scope of the event. The Beach Walk sidewalks used were nearly doubled in length, with more works of art than in previous years. Apparently news of the event’s success has spread, drawing in more artists. Although the event features artwork of different sizes, most of the pieces were drawn in the larger scales, providing spectators with a plenty to see.


Chalk Walk a Hit Again

Chalk Walk Clearwater BeachThe quality of the art at the Chalk Walk was fantastic. The attendance was as high as ever, the sidewalks lined with people all throughout the days of the festival. The weather was absolutely perfect, warm and dry, without strong breezes, leaving the spectators and artists in an ideal environment. With the Stone Crab Festival happening at various places at Clearwater Beach, the beach was filled with happy visitors and locals. The windsurfing championship added to the buzz, with the event tent across the street from the chalk art festival. Chalk Walk spectators Pier 60 experienced a great weekend as well, the visitors at Clearwater Beach for the festivals flocking to the pier in the evening hours.


Chalk Art on Beach Walk

Chalk art festival Clearwater BeachThe popular beachfront sidewalks of Beach Walk were graced with some incredible art work this year. With more artists than ever adding to the event, the beach saw an abundance of awe inspiring work. Artists were overheard discussing the coincidence in unspoken themes of Halloween and bubbles, both images appearing repeatedly. A fair number of artists also tipped their hats to Clearwater Beach, scrawling the name of the famous beach into their artwork.

Chalk Walk Anticipation

Chalk Walk 2014We are looking forward to the Clearwater Beach Chalk Walk in future years. The event is still in its first few years, and it is growing in size and inspiration. With the event picking up steam, it is sure to be a hit in years to come. Here’s looking forward to Chalk Walk 2015. We will be there to let you know how it goes, but if you are considering a trip to Clearwater Beach, October festival season, including the Chalk Walk, is a great time to visit. Hope to see you there!


Clearwater Beach Chalk Walk Awards

Best in Show

Chalk Walk Clearwater Beach
Black Cat by Beth Shistle


People’s Choice Award

Chalk Walk Peoples Choice Award
Syrena by Lee Mobley


People’s Choice Award

Chalk Walk peoples choice award
Ariel by Cassie Franek


Grand Prize Large

Grand Prize large Chalk Walk
Rebel Kiss by Ken Mullen

Grand Prize Small

Chalk Walk Clearwater Beach
The Record by Nathan Baranowski

Junior Division Winner

Chalk Walk Clearwater Beach
Mermaid in a Bathtub by Danielle Grief


Chalk Walk 2014 Video


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