How Kids Get Around Clearwater Beach

How Kids Get Around Clearwater Beach

  Clearwater Beach provides great fun for families. Just a couple of years ago, it won an award for being the Best Family Beach in America. Kids of all ages can enjoy the beach and its many activities. When it comes to kids on Clearwater Beach, another category of fun exists and that is recreational […]

Crossing Tampa Bay on a Bike

Crossing Tampa Bay on a Bike

Courtney Campbell Causeway Causeways have one purpose; or at least they’re supposed to. When a body of water requires a long bridge, one way to avoid a costly bridge of pure concrete is to pour dirt instead, creating a long strip of land on which to put a road. To maintain the flow of water […]

Clearwater Beach TriRock Triathlon 2013

Clearwater Beach TriRock Triathlon 2013

TriRock Triathlon at Clearwater Beach The TriRock Triathlon hit Clearwater Beach last week on Sunday November 10th. The normal routes north and south on Clearwater Beach were closed down and the streets filled with participants and spectators. The racers gathered in the dark hours of the morning with a good showing of spectators braving the […]

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