Happening in Tarpon Springs

Happening in Tarpon Springs

First we’ll tell you why should want to ask, “What’s happening in Tarpon Springs?” Tarpons Springs is a town on the west coast of Florida about fourteen miles north of Clearwater Beach. Its coastline lacks the amazing soft white sands that bring so many to the beaches to the south, but what it lacks in […]

It Is All Greek to Florida

It Is All Greek to Florida

Tarpon Springs, Florida Tarpon Springs is a fun and unique tourist town on the Florida Gulf Coast. It is well known for its dining, and its sponge diving industry. The main road through the tourist district is one lane in each direction, with slow traffic that allows tourists to have a fairly free rein of […]

Fantastic Fall Festivals St Pete to Clearwater Beach

Fantastic Fall Festivals St Pete to Clearwater Beach

Why Visit the Florida Gulf Coast During the Fall? The beaches from Clearwater Beach to St Pete Beach on the Florida Gulf Coast are exciting places to visit year round. While we experience seasons like everyone else, our winter temperatures are mild, making us a popular tourist destination from January through March. Other season attract […]

Gulf Coast Sunken Ship

Gulf Coast Sunken Ship

Gulf Coast Local Secret #17 Does the Gulf Coast Have Sunken Ships? Of course the Gulf Coast has sunken ships! You will find that any harbor locations around the world have long histories of sunken ships. Before European ships arrived, Native Americans plied the waters in smaller craft. The coasts of the Central Gulf Coast […]

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