Belleair Beach have some of the most historically modeled beach vacation home rentals on the market that offers a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere providing all the advantages of waterfront living and the charm of an old-fashioned neighborhood. These are some of the most spectacular beach vacation home rentals that are possible to obtain in the Bay area, and are specifically rented for those who have a the wherewithal to rent a place with such enormous quality when you are on vacation.
Belleair Beach is one of those historical beaches in the Gulf area that allows you to experience the widest range of native Florida life. While you are staying at your beach vacation home rentals on holiday, make sure you head to the beach first and foremost, but also that you experience Belleair for all its grandeur. One of the best things about Belleair, not the beach, is that it is full of some of the most magnificent architecture you will find anywhere. There are obviously lots of Spanish influenced houses and buildings, but Greek and Victorian styles pervade the area’s homes as well, with large smatterings of more modern styled architecture as well. Belleair is truly a vacationers delight, replete with all the places you could want to go to, to get that relaxed international feel.
Belleair Beach’s sister city of Belleair is known for its wonderful variety of restaurants, boutique shopping and art galleries. For those who like to cook or take-out, check-out the gourmet Surf & Turf Market featuring fresh soups, salads, and ready-to-go kabobs and hot meals. All of the above within a mile from the beach! This makes it extremely convenient to enjoy a bit more variety when you are staying Belleair Beach vacation home rentals. Unlike many of the other beaches in the area, you do not have to travel very far, or even to a different beach to enjoy the experience of fine dining, tourist attractions, or other activities that cannot be immediately found in the area, as everything you need is within a mile of the beach.
Belleair Beach is bordered be Sand Key to the North and Indian Rocks Beach to the South.