About Clearwater Beach Dolphins
The dolphins you will see on Clearwater Harbor and Gulf of Mexico tours are bottlenose dolphins. This type is of dolphin is probably the best known dolphin in the U.S., especially with such celebrities as Flipper from the popular 1960’s TV show, and Winter from the modern Dolphin Tale movies. (Winter lives at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium right here at Clearwater Beach!) The bottlenose dolphins of the Gulf of Mexico reach about nine feet in length and, unlike dolphins in colder regions, may stay in the same area all year long. They live 40 to 50 years and will raise one offspring about every three years. A local dolphin sighting tour guide at Clearwater Beach Marina told us that the baby dolphins will often have hair on them when they are first born.
Dolphins will eat pretty much any kind of fish as well as some of the creatures that live on the sea floor. While they do have teeth, dolphins don’t chew, but rather swallow their prey whole. Dolphins can jump as high as 20 feet out of the water, although that is unlikely here in the shallow waters of Clearwater Harbor. Instead, our dolphins like to play in the wakes of boats, something you have an excellent chance of seeing on a Clearwater Beach dolphin sighting tour.
Where to Find a Dolphin Sighting Tour at Clearwater Beach
We would love to tell you the name of each and every tour company that offers dolphin sighting tours at Clearwater Beach. However, when we went to Clearwater Beach Marina to tally them up, our heads spun. If you want to catch a ride on a dolphin sighting tour on the waters of Clearwater Harbor or the Gulf of Mexico, you have nothing to fear. You will find hosts of boats ready to take you out for a cruise on the beautiful coastal waters of the Gulf Coast.
It can be fun to simply stand and watch the goings on down at the marina. Happy sightseers embark and set off quite frequently. You can choose from sleek speed boats, tropical pontoon boats, pirate ships, and more. Many boat crews will describe the landscape for you, making your tour complete. While some will allow you to bring along your own refreshments, most are ready with a complement of drinks or snacks for their passengers. The boat rides are easy to spot with lots of banners and signage. The unique tour boats wait on the water just beyond. The Clearwater Beach Marina is located right next to the roundabout at the center of Clearwater Beach.
What to Expect on a Clearwater Beach Dolphin Sighting Tour
Your chances of seeing dolphins on your harbor cruise are pretty good. We have a good population of bottlenose dolphins living along our shores. They frequent the harbor and intra-coastal waterways when not swimming in the open waters of the Gulf of Mexico. The boat crews usually know where the dolphins are. On some days you will simply get to see dolphins swimming by in small pods, while on others they will treat you to a show by playing in the wake of your boat. A number of boat tours guarantee you will see dolphins, with a second free ride if you don’t.
The dolphins on our shoreline are not that difficult to find, however, and sightseers are rarely disappointed. Quite often, the boat tour will include a short stopover at an additional place of interest, like one of the spoil islands on the harbor. Ask where your tour will go when buying your tickets. Keep in mind that each tour will probably take a different route, since the dolphins move about. The crews of the many Clearwater Beach dolphin sighting tours will always take you to locations where they hope to find dolphins.
Perfect Addition to a Clearwater Beach Vacation
A dolphin sighting tour is a perfect addition to a Clearwater Beach Vacation. There are lots of sights to see in the area. Aside from the white sand beaches you will find tons of shops and restaurants, as well as a good number of local attractions. When you are ready to get out onto the water, a dolphin sighting tour is a great way to go. Sit back with a refreshment in your hand and let your captain and crew do all the work for you. A dolphin sighting tour is the perfect way to add some fond memories to your Clearwater Beach vacation.
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