5 Most Exciting Beach Activity Rentals at Clearwater Beach

5 Most Exciting Beach Activity Rentals at Clearwater Beach

Beach Activity Rentals at Clearwater Beach The number of different items you can rent on Clearwater Beach is amazing. Among them are bicycles, scooters, all terrain wheel chairs, beach chairs, umbrellas, jet skis, and more. The list below was compiled after grueling hours of casual observation while beachcombing, strolling, and catching sun on the shores […]

Gulf Coast Bald Eagles

Gulf Coast Bald Eagles

Gulf Coast Local Secret #14 Bald Eagles Live on the Florida Gulf Coast Bald Eagles are primarily a northern bird but did you know they also live in Florida? They summer in the far north and then some migrate south or gather along the coasts of Alaska and Canada in the winter. However, the ones […]

5 Best Places to Escape at Clearwater Beach

5 Best Places to Escape at Clearwater Beach

5. Go Fishing at Pier 60: Those who enjoy fishing from a pier love the fishing experience from Pier 60 at Clearwater Beach. What makes the location so unique is that in order to reach the fishing area of the pier, you have to pay a one dollar entrance fee. While some people pay the […]