The Best Beaches in America

The Best Beaches in America

2013 was a very good year for Clearwater Beach and the neighboring Gulf Coast. Four awards came our way that we are happy to tell you about. With our white sand beaches, loads of attractions, and endless stretches of shoreline, it is no surprise the area has captured the hearts of visitors and locals alike. […]

Best View of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge

Best View of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge

Gulf Coast Local Secret #9 The Sunshine Skyway Bridge The Sunshine Skyway Bridge is one of the most scenic bridges in America. Add that to the reality that it carries drivers to the vacation paradise of the Central Gulf Coast, and you have a must-see bridge. But where is the best place to view it? […]

The Best Beaches in America Are Here

The Best Beaches in America Are Here

Who Says Florida Gulf Coast Has the Best Beaches? The best beaches in America are just a click away on the Internet. A quick study of tally-taking sites shows Florida Gulf Coast beaches to be among the top ranking beaches in the country again and again, year after year. Among sites posting those findings are […]

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