Getting Away with It at Clearwater Beach

Getting Away with It at Clearwater Beach

  When you take a vacation on Clearwater Beach, Florida, you might want to know what you can do and what you can’t. Knowing the laws can keep you safe, but the authorities also lay down some guidelines on what you can do for a good time. The question becomes, what exactly can you get […]

Those Annoying Bad Habits at the Beach

Those Annoying Bad Habits at the Beach

  Everyone loves the beach but sometimes the people nearby display some bad habits that can add a bit of ire to an otherwise relaxing afternoon. Let’s take a look at some of the most complained-about rude beach behaviors. Leaving Litter on the Beach   The first on our list is just all around bad […]

Senior Adventure Travel at Clearwater Beach

Senior Adventure Travel at Clearwater Beach

Senior adventure travel is a segment of the travel industry that is picking up steam. With more baby boomers sneaking into the senior category year by year, it is only going to get bigger. Senior adventure travel takes the participants into more dynamic activities that boldly stare the sedentary lifestyle in the eye and says […]

Can Vacation Improve Your Relationships?

Can Vacation Improve Your Relationships?

One of the main reasons people name for taking vacation is to strengthen relationships. What relationships are they talking about? Well, all of them, of course; new love interests, a family trip, a tenth-year wedding anniversary, or a vacation for just the guys or just the girls. Even when the stated goal has nothing to […]