Paddleboarding Clearwater Beach

Paddleboarding Clearwater Beach

Stand Up Paddleboarding Paddleboarding dates back over a thousand years, but modern paddleboarding, as a widely popular sport, seems to have its start somewhere around the year 2000, when boards designed for standing were brought to the US. The new style boards were easier to stand on than a surfboard, and far more buoyant. With […]

Spoil Your Vacation at Clearwater Beach

Spoil Your Vacation at Clearwater Beach

Defining Spoiled The word spoil has a list of different definitions. While they all follow a common theme, they are not all alike. The common modern usage of the word spoil means to ruin or degrade, such as 1. A spoiled child, 2. Spoiled fruit, 3. Spoiled plans. The word spoil comes from an older […]